www.merci.ca merci, Ruffled Heart, Greeting, Heart, Personalized gift


Turn a pack of merci Finest Selections into a large, festive heart with ruffles and give it to someone special.


Required materials


Effort 15 min.


Difficulty Easy


Materials 12 Article(s)

Required materials


How it works

Use your merci Finest Selections pack to help you determine the right size for your frilly heart: Simply place it on the white construction paper and draw around it. Then cut out the heart and use the craft knife to cut a window for the merci lettering.

Now glue the tassel border/fringe ribbon to the edge of your heart shape using a glue stick.

Cut a strip of crepe paper approx. 6 cm wide and glue it over the tassel border as a ruffle.

Write a personal message on the front with a felt-tip pen and attach your frilly heart to a pack of merci Finest Selections using double-sided adhesive tape.

All that's missing now: mini 3D hearts! Simply punch three small hearts out of red construction paper, fold them in half and stick them together.