Required materials
Effort 30 min.
Difficulty Easy
Materials 15 Article(s)
How it works

Make marks with the pencil on the left and right of your strip of photo cardboard at 10.5 cm, 13 cm, and 23.5 cm. This will be the envelope. From there, add further marks at 10 cm intervals to the end of the strip. Simply cut off the excess strip. Score the cardboard at the markings with the folding bone. Tip: Erase the markings afterwards.

Fold the cardboard inwards at the first three marks (envelope). Then alternate between the outside and inside. Cut smooth (or jagged) shapes and punch out hearts, for example, from the coloured paper.

Now everyone involved can give free rein to their creativity: stamp the cover, attach the merci sticks to the coloured construction paper shapes or directly in the book with the double-sided adhesive tape, draw, write and stick things on... Finally, tie the full wish book together with a beautiful silk ribbon.